Why Your Knee Pain Could Be A Pain In The Neck

Why Your Knee Pain Could Be A Pain In The Neck

The knee bone's connected to the neck bone. (Or, why we check your Atlas.)

In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan sentenced by Zeus to carry the weight of the heavens on his shoulders. Quite a burden!  As in the myth, the first vertebra in your neck is known as the Atlas because it bears the weight of your whole head. Which is also quite a burden - up to 6 kilos.

If your Atlas is misaligned, it can have a knock-on effect to your entire skeleton. One shoulder might be higher than the other, causing pain in the shoulder blade. Or your pelvis could be tilted, with danger of disc damage causing severe back pain.

If these postural defects persist, permanent muscle tension can develop. Not only is this painful, it can cause other vertebrae in your spine to become stiff and painful too.

So when you come in for an appointment because you've got a painful lower back or knee, don't be surprised when we check your neck. This is because the position of the atlas is extremely important.

Get that right and the rest will follow.

More rooms, more chiropractors, more free treatments

To check your Atlas (and everything else), we now have more rooms and more chiropractors. To celebrate, we're giving away 6 free treatments to one lucky patient.

All you have to do is refer a patient to us. They get £20 off their first appointment. You get a chance to win 6 FREE treatments. Win win. Not only will you be giving a friend a discount, you'll be helping more people understand the benefit of a regular chiropractic check up.

To enter the prize draw for 6 free treatments:

  1. Refer a new patient to us

  2. They get £20 off their first appointment.

  3. Make sure they mention you when they book in

  4. We will put your name into a bowl.

  5. At the end of October we will draw a winner out of the bowl!

If you feel you've overdone it and want to discuss a niggle or a twinge, call us on 01747 851455. Or email me at hello@shaftesburychiropractic.co.uk


All the best,

The team at Shaftesbury Chiropractic


Don't Go Weak At The Knees


Train Your Brain