Vitamin B12 and Chiropractic


Our aim is to get you out of pain and back doing the things you love. Chiropractic works better if your metabolic health is good. To find out more, we went back to school and sat down to a lecture on vitamin B12. This is what we learnt.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is made by gut bacteria. Humans are not able to absorb B12 from their own gut and need to get B12 from food or supplements. Animals have worked out a way to absorb B12 produced by their gut bacteria - making meat, and especially liver, the best sourse of vitamin B12.

What does it do? - B12 has a unique role in 2 keys systems

  • Krebbs cycle (producing energy)

  • Methylation (production of cells and healing)

You need B12 to produce energy and to make new cells. if you do not have enough B12 you don't heal well and you feel tired.

What happens if you don't have enough?
Common symptoms of B12 deficiency are:

  • Persistent pain and not healing as well as expected

  • Neurological symptoms (pins and needles or numbness)

  • Mouth ulcers/sore toungue/cracks at the corner of the mouth

  • Depression/anxiety

  • Fatigue

2 main reasons people are low in Vitamin B12

  • Not enough in the diet:  As meat is the best dietary source of B12 vegans and vegetarians are at risk. However, you can also be at risk if you have a poor diet and too much prosessed food. Vegans are usually well aware that they are not getting B12 from their diet and take supplements.

  • Not absorbing it: People are less aware that they might not be absorbing B12 properly. Absorption decreases with age and any digestive problems such as irritable or inflammatory bowel conditions can lead to decreassed absorption. Common medications used to treat heartburn and indigestion, such as omeprazole, are known to reduce the ability to absorb vitamin B12. The common diabetes drug metformin also blocks the absorption of B12. If you take it for a long time it could cause a deficiency.

What can you do about it?

If you have any of the above symptoms talk to us - we will most likely suggest a one month trial of sublingual B12 supplements. Sublingual supplements bypass any absorption problems. Vitamin B12 is water soluble and you cannot overdose on it.

We have a supply of high quality supplements available in the clinic. See details

If you feel you've overdone it and want to discuss a niggle or a twinge, call us on 01747 851455. Or email me at


All the best,

The team at Shaftesbury Chiropractic


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